Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Slow Down Near Flashing Lights!

The other night when it was very icy out I received a call from the police department about a rolled over vehicle. I said I would take the call but the officer said the roads were glare ice so they couldn't leave a patrol car on the scene. I hopped into my tow truck and took my time heading to the scene the officer wasn't lying it was glare ice. Long story short while I was working on winching out the vehicle which was around a slight corner on the back side of a hill I saw headlight heading down the hill. I faced the headlights and watched the vehicle, which I soon realized the was heading straight for me I got ready to jump but just before I jumped the vehicle caught traction and went into the ditch on the opposite side of the road and drove back out. I feared for my life that night and realized how valuable life is. Thank God that car got traction or I would be in the hospital or worse. I just wan't to remind everyone a lot of police officers, construction workers, and tow truck drivers loose their life's every year by people that fail to pay attention to conditions or the flashing lights. I urge you to please slow down and please give the people who some day might help you out of a slippery situation some space to work.

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